Make Your Decisions Count

January 2019 Update

This month the first Game Theory Academy class of the year kicked off at Oakland International High, which serves newcomer refugee and immigrant students. As they adapt to the United States, strong financial knowledge and the skills to make good decisions in our complex and overwhelmed-with-choice economy, will serve them […]

“It doesn’t matter how much money you have, but the decisions you make with it.”

By Isaak Brown, Instructor Most adults I know who’ve achieved some level of financial competency repeat one refrain over and over: I wish I had known this information when I was younger. But teenagers who are given financial information that has no current relevance to their lives have a reply […]

Game Theory students have ‘the talk’ with their parents about credit

By Jasper Smith, GTA Instructor   I thoroughly enjoy teaching the students about money and predatory financial products because I know that our formal education system doesn’t teach such lessons. It’s not uncommon that many of my students don’t have a bank account and also happen to know someone (generally a close […]